Presh-ious Knitting

A little blog about knitting. Well... mostly whinning about how little time I have for knitting.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

And then I was found

I'm back from The Knitting Frenzy vacation, however, I didn't get to work on the afghan I posted about last time. My mom decided to wait until her friend decorates her new house. I hope she waits until Christmas vacation to redecorate, because I'm not sure if I'll get another week to myself until then. My summer "break" is almost over, thus begins the downward spiral to the first day of school. Here's some stuff that is keeping me from my knitting:

1) New apartment. I have to live with a boy! We have no furinture!! Seriously, if it hadn't been for a very generous friend of my mom's, we'd be sitting indian style in front of the TV this fall. Donations to the Ben and Darcy Poor College Student Apartment Foundation are still being accepted.

2) Class. I know. I'm supposed to be on break from school. People, I just can't stay away. It's like a disease. Like if I don't write a paper every two weeks, I get hives. Anyway, I drive a long long ways two days a week to sit in a very boring business class that does not welcome back-row knitters (or soft-hearted English majors either). Reason number one (and two) why business classes suck.

3)Work. Don't wanna, but I hafta.


5)Exercise. Really cuts into the sitting-like-a-log knitting time. But hey! I've lost nine pounds so I guess it's kinda worth it?

I got a ton of work done on my blue spiral log cabin blanket done, however, the giant-knock-your-socks-off picture is coming soon. For now - chuckle at a terrible picture of my sister and I, all sweaty and cold after "running" (more like sauntering) the Race for the Cure.

Notice the pink scarves on our domes - these things were everywhere and now one of my favorite hair accessories.


At 7:49 AM, Blogger Roggey said...

Isn't that called a "career student?" LOL I empathize. I'm actually looking forward to classes beginning again in about a month!

It was good seeing you on Wednesday evening, hon! Even if I managed to wrench the conversation away from you and the boy's grant story... (again, sorry, I blame the blended chai!)

At 4:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

They ran out of pink scarves at the Detroit Race ... we were so bummed because they were cute!


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