Presh-ious Knitting

A little blog about knitting. Well... mostly whinning about how little time I have for knitting.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sitting on the Bench

I've bean thick... berry berry thick. I'm pretty sure this cold has disqualified me from the Olympics. I came back home from school Monday night and went to the doctor on Tuesday. I was planning on going back today, but an ice storm has kept me here. I didn't expect to be gone so long so I didn't bring all my knitting. Being sick has given me a chance to make a birthday bag for my mom, which is felting in the washer as we speak. I think that if I get back up to school and to my knitting on Sunday I can make the deadline with the baby sweater, but we'll just have to cross our fingers, huh?

Is it just me or is anyone else sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the MasonDixon Perfect Sweater pattern?? I keep checking their site to make sure it's not up yet. I bought my Cascade 220 in a pretty heather green the same time I got the yarn for my once-Olympic sweater.

So now I'm stuck here all weekend with nothing to knit. I think I'm going to start up my version of the mitered square blanket. The link to the pattern is on my sidebar. I've got a whole box full of Lion Brand Cotton Ease saved up from this summer when they were discontinued and totally on sale. Since my parent's computer is next to ancient, I'll have to get ya'll some pictures tomorrow. For now I'm going to take some more cough medicine and curl up with some Adam Sandler movies.



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